29661 Wildcat Road Paynes Creek, CA 96075
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Springtime is the best time to visit Darrah Springs and the busiest time for stocking fish. Beginning in mid-April, Monday through Friday, trout are stocked into several waters of Northern California. This stocking of fish will continue until mid-October. Open 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Directions: Near the town of Manton, on Highway 36; 10 miles east of Red Bluff to Dales Station, follow hatchery signs north on County Road A6 for 8 miles. Cross Battle Creek, turn left onto Wildcat Road, proceed 3 miles to hatchery entrance.

Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association
1699 HWY 273, Anderson, CA 96007 | (P) 530-365-7500
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