The majority of the rural communities in UpState CA have small hospital facilities. Please do your part to keep rural communities safe by following local community guidelines for COVID-19 while enjoying the open space and picturesque landscapes of UpState CA.
Please check freshwater sport fishing regulations and recent planting:
Fishing Regulations and info:
Current Planting:
Looking for a fishing or hunting guide?:
Still some great days are being had on the lake with too many fish to count. A lot of people are going, so keep that in mind. Be careful getting there as there is still quite a bit of snow on the passes from Old Station on 44 and Burney on 299. Fish are eating midges, balanced leeches, and BWO's. Sunny days are bringing some small hatches allowing some good opportunities at dry fly fishing. Good flies are any smaller, black midge pattern like the Zebra Midge, bring a variety of sizes from #16-20. Balanced Leeches in black and olive under an indicator are staples here. If you are tying your own, the smaller patterns like a #14 can be deadly under a small indicator or a dry. Keep some Adams in sizes #14-20 and the CDC BWO in #20 for those dry opportunities. Our guides have this place wired if you are looking for some tactical advice on fishing a great spring creek fishery with an expert!
Hot Flies:
Dry Flies:
• Adams - #18-20
• Hackle Winged May - BWO
• Harrop's Last Chance - All
• Griffith's Gnat
• Mercer's Missing Link - #14-18
Nymphs/Wet Flies:
• Red Copper John - #18
• GB Flashback PT - #14-20
• Beaded Zebra Midge - #18-20
• Mercer's Gidget
• Mercer's CB Micro Mays - #16-18
• GB Flashback PT - Olive #18
• Beaded Zebra Midge - #16-20
• Chromie - #18
Steamers & Leeches:
• JGF Translucent Wiggle Tail - #10
• Beaded Micro Buggers - #12
• Zack's Damseleech - #14
- Courtesy of The Fly Shop
The Fly Shop
No Current Report available. Here is some information about Plumas County lakes and current contact information.
Plumas County | 530-927-5180
The lake is closed to fishing starting Saturday, March 1 through the upcoming Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, May 24, 2025. The Eagle Lake Marina Store is now closed until May 25, 2025.
- Courtesy of Western Outdoor News
I recently had the chance to fish a few days up on a eagle canyon with a great group of guys. With harsh weather rolling through Northern California, we decided to head east out of red bluff up to the Eagle canyon lakes. Starting off strong on smaller Woolley bugger patterns we stripped up some huge fish! Both days we picked up fish on streamers, indicator rigs and dry dropper set ups. If you're looking to have a shot at some big rainbow trout eagle canyon is definitely a spot to check out!
- Courtesy of:
Confluence Outfitters
Andrew Harris
Just a quick post to say that the fish are up in the tributaries spawning right now and will be making their way back down in April. With all of the snow and rain we've had the river is in good shape. This spring should be a banger.
Hot Flies:
• Lance's Jigged X-May
• Weiss BP Nymph
• Norman's Wiggletails
• Pheasant Tails
• Mercer's Missing Link
• Zug Bugs
• Zack's Stillwater Swimming Leeches
- Courtesy of The Fly Shop
The Fly Shop
River conditions are improving with lower flows and water quality but are still high. Flows have dropped to just over 7,000 cfs. but a fishable level is generally around 3,500 cfs. There are reports of striper moving into the system, but it's still early and conditions are tough.
-Courtesy of Western Outdoor News
Current intel is the creek is running clear and maybe a little low. With the lengthening days, keep your eyes peeled for sunny skies and south winds and this will kick off some good hatches.The Rainbows are spawning in the riffle areas, please give them space to do their thing. Primary emerging insects will probably continue with smaller mayflies like Baetis and midges. Zebra Midges in #18 or 20, S&M's in #18 and other Baetis nymphs fished under a larger dry is one of the more productive methods during the late fall and winter. Rubberlegs in the deeper holes will cajole a large fish to eat. We'll have some giant Caddis and Stonefly hatches soon. In the flats below the Powerhouse 2 Riffle, target sipping fish with the appropriately sized Adams, #18-20 would be about the largest we can recommend.
Hot Flies:
• Lance's Jigged X-May
• Rubberlegs
• Sweet Pea Jigged Baetis
• Pheasant Tails
• Mercer's Missing Link
• S&M Nymph
• Walt's Worm
• Peaches n' Green
• BP Weiss Nymph
- Courtesy of The Fly Shop
The Fly Shop
Note: Hat Creek is a world renown fishery. Wild trout are large and abundant!
Iron Canyon can be a winter time sleeper if the road conditions are good. Might be worth checking out before the next round of storms! Balanced Swimming Leeches are always a safe bet as well as worm patterns and midges!
Hot Flies:
Midge Flies:
Harrop's CDC Emerging Midge - #20
Nymphs/Wet Flies:
• San Juan Worm - Fire #8-14
• Chromies - #16-18
• Beaded Zebra Midge - #16-20
• Mercer's CB Micro Mayfly - #14-18
GB Half-Flashback PT - #16-20
Streamers & Leeches:
• Beaded Micro Buggers
• Freshwater Clouser - Olive/White
• Zonkers - #4
- Courtesy of The Fly Shop
The Fly Shop
(Image: Nor Cal Fish Reports)
Flows are high and inconsistent. The lower end by the dam is fishing well with midges and balanced leeches. Try your favorite still-water patterns in the lower end until the flows settle. Black and red Zebra Midges, Chironomids, and black or olive balanced leeches will be the best producers. Fishing olive Sculpin patterns like the Slumpbuster on a sinking line can produce vicious takes.
Hot Flies:
Dry Flies:
• Mercer's Missing Link #16-18
• Adams #14-16
• Midge Hanger #20
Nymphs/Wet Flies:
• Bubbleback Caddis - #14
• Chromie - #16-18
• Mercer's Gidget
• Chironomid Bomber - Any color #12
• Mercer's CB Micro Mayfly - Brown #16-18
• Pats Rubberlegs - Brown #6-8
• CB Birds Nest - #10-14
Streamers & Leeches:
• Crystal Buggers
• Freshwater Clousers - #6
• Zonkers - Natural #4
• Zack's Pyramid Beach Leech - #8
- Courtesy of The Fly Shop
The Fly Shop
With the recent storms, we have seen a surge in flows through the northern section of the river through the former dam sites peaking at nearly 8,500 CFS on the Iron Gate gage. Clarity at the boat ramp there was very low. Below in the mid sections the river has swelled with flows at Seiad Valley topping 28,000 CFS, at the bottom gage they were 188,000 CFS. We hope many more storms this winter will continue to flush the system. This is good news all the way around, lots of water for the fish and we hope this flushes a lot of the murk out of the system. We'll give a report in the spring when things calm down.
Hot Flies:
• Clown Egg
• Micro Spawn - Shrimp Pink or Salmon Egg
• Boles Bazookas
• Pat's Rubberlegs - #4-8
• Coppertop Duracell - #16
• Red Copper Johns - #14-18
• Gordon's Amber Wing Prince - #14-18
• Beaded Assassins
-Courtesy of The Fly Shop
The Fly Shop
Bryan Roccucci of Big Daddy's guide Service reported improved water clarity except for the Hamilton Branch which is still muddy. The best visibility is in the western side of the lake. Trolling is picking up in the east basin from the dam to Dorado and over to Big Springs with nightcrawlers, plastics, trolling flies, spoons, or Rapalas at depths from 10 to 35 feet. The trout and king salmon are feeding on the pond smelt. Bank anglers are finding some success off the west shore with lures, Power Bait, or flies. Fly fishermen are scoring with slow-striped streamers in pond smelt patterns as well as cinnamon colors. The Canyon Dam launch ramp is currently open and usable. The lake held at 77 percent.
- Courtesy of Western Outdoor News
King salmon action is heating up for fish to 16 inches with white hoochies, Brad's Cut plugs, or rolled anchovies behind a Topcoat's Kowski Special 360 dodger at depths to 60 feet around spillway, the dam, and east wall from the green Bridge to the mouth of Canyon Creek. Releasing the small kings currently around 14 to 16 inches to grow to their potential is advised. Due to the presence of IHN in this year's inland salmon eggs at the hatchery, Oroville will not receive a king salmon plant this spring. Bass fishing continues to improve as the spots are pushing into the flats. With heavy water releases, the lake has remained steady at 862.67 feet in elevation and 84 percent.
- Courtesy of Western Outdoor News
Spring 2024
Spring fishing is a little slow but there are plenty of fish out there. Bait fishing with powerbait or nightcrawlers seems to be working well. Using a sidekick dodger above the bait will also attract in the murkey water. Early aquatic wasp and some mayflies as well as the mosquito patterns should be working either up by Ackerman, by the flats across from Lake View Terrace or right in front of the marina.
- Courtesy of Pine Cove Marina
Pine Cove Marina
Just a quick note to say that, yes, the lake is still frozen. Looking at past years, the ice out will begin sometime in early May. We can't wait!
Hot Flies:
Dry Flies:
• Harrop's Last Chance - #16-20
• Adams - #14-18
• Mayfly Cripple - #18
• Last Chance Cripple - Callibaetis or Baetis
• Mercer's Missing Link - #14-16
• Mercer's Parachute Profile Spinner
Nymphs/Wet Flies:
• Zack's Attack Damsel
• Burk's Sierra Damsel
• Zack's Bomb Squad. - #14-16
• Hogan's S&M - Olive #16-18
• Beaded Zebra Midge - Black #18-20
• Mercer's Gidgets
Streamers & Leeches:
• Beaded Micro Bugger - Black
• Zonkers - #4
• Beaded Micro Buggers - Any
- Courtesy of The Fly Shop
The Fly Shop
Recent reports are that this can be a good place to go. Balanced Leeches, worm, and midges under an indicator are go-to patterns, but those who know how to fish Zack's leeches or damsels on a sinking line can do very well!
Hot Flies:
Dry Flies:
• Harrop's Last Chance - #16-20
• Adams - #14-18
• Mayfly Cripple - #18
• Last Chance Cripple - Callibaetis or Baetis
• Mercer's Missing Link - #14-16
Nymphs/Wet Flies:
• Zack's Attack Damsel
• Chan's Chironomid Bomber
• Squirmy Wormie - #12
• Hogan's S&M - Olive #16-18
• Beaded Zebra Midge - Black #18-20
• Mercer's Gidgets
Steamers & Leeches:
• Beaded Micro Bugger - Black
• Zonkers - #4
• Zack's Balanced Stillwater Swimming Leech - Any
- Courtesy of The Fly Shop
The Fly Shop
A couple of anglers have reported you can get into Ah-Di-Na, use caution if you do as falling trees could still be an issue. Water conditions are great on the top end with good clarity and the flows from the reservoir at 200 CFS. Smaller BWOs and midges will be the primary insects coming off. Bring your S&Ms in #16 & 18, & Sweet Peas. Olive Hotspots and the Holopoint nymphs are good flies as well. To target the largest Browns, the olive and natural Slumpbusters stripped or swung have been paying off. We'll be looking for the lengthening days when the sun begins to warm the valley and we can look forward to Salmonflies and Green Drakes.
Hot Flies:
• Morrish's Adult October Caddis
• Pat's Rubberlegs
• Mercer's Tungsten October Pupa
• Olive Hotspot
• Coppertop Duracell
• Sweet Pea - #16/
• Copper John Red - #16/
• Jigged Birds Nest - Natural, Hot Spot #14-16
• Walt's Worm
- Courtesy of The Fly Shop
The Fly Shop
Report provided by Modoc Outdoor Recreation and Tourism:
The drought is hitting Modoc hard. Some lakes that are at the basis for great fishing in Modoc County are low enough to challenge boaters at the launch and the river has not run high all year. Surprisingly though, the fishing has not suffered… yet. As a mater of fact, low lake levels have made targeting bass and other warm water species like, well, shooting fish in a barrel. A fly angler recently landed a 5.5 pound largemouth from shore on a Devil’s Garden lake. Kids get hooked on the lifestyle when 20-fish days are common, as they are right now. Trout are kegged up in deeper holes in rivers and streams making them almost too easy to target. All in all, it is a great time to be an angler in Modoc County. Just pray for rain before it all goes away…
Here are a few tips for low-water fishing:
•Please remember fish do not do as well when released in warmer water, especially trout and other cold water species.
•Play fish intended for release as quickly as possible, wet hands and keep fish in the water to maximize survival after release.
•Think about keeping a few smaller fish where regulations allow to lessen the drought’s impact on others left behind.
•Remember fuels are dry! Don’t start a wildfire that could impact all kinds of habitat, including already-stressed fisheries.
•Always leave an area better than you found it. Increased visitation means increased trash and other waste. Public servants cannot always keep up due to declining budgets and soaring demands. Please do your part!
Over the past three weeks, I’ve had several trips on Hat Creek, the McCloud, and the Upper Sac. The flows are very wadable, the water temps are in the low-mid 50’s, and all three rivers have fished very well for my guests. Euro nymphing has been the most productive technique for my guests, but we’ve also done very well fishing dry-dropper rigs, and you will always catch fish on an indicator rig. The dogwood trees are blooming along the McCloud, which always makes this a special time of year. If you’re interested in learning a new technique, or perfecting what you have already learned – let’s book a walk-wade trip on any of our amazing rivers!
- Courtesy of:
Confluence Outfitters
Andrew Harris
Big flows continue throughout the system, we can't recommend fishing on the Pit for now. While we are waiting for the flows to subside and the river to drop in we recommend you find a safer place to fish like Hat Creek or Baum Lake.
This is a great river to fish a Euro rod and we highly recommend it. Be careful though, this can be a slippery river to wade. We recommend a wading staff when fishing the Pit.
Be aware that the flows on the Pit can and will change without notice, so definitely check before you go! And be prepared to get out when the river begins to rise.
Here are some useful links to monitor the flows:
Pit 3 - Below Pit 3 Dam
Pit 5 - Through Big Bend
Hot Flies:
Dry Flies:
• Stimulator - Orange
• Foam October Caddis
• Potter's October Caddis
• Mercer's Skating October Caddis
• Adams - #14-18
• Mayfly Cripples - #12-16
Nymphs/Wet Flies:
• Mercer's Tungsten October Pupa
• Skip’s TB October Caddis
• Dark Lords - #12-16
• Flashback Pheasant Tail - #14-16
• Beaded Zebra Midge - #18
• Mercer's Poxyback Dark Stone - #6
• GB Black A.P. - #10-12
• CB Micro Mayflies - #16-18
• Red Copper Johns - #16-18
• Pat's Brown Rubberleg - #6-8
• Gordon's Amber Wing Prince - #14-18
• Jigged Birds Nest - #14-16
• Walt's Worm
Streamers & Leeches:
• Zack's Swimming Leech - #8
- Courtesy of The Fly Shop
The Fly Shop
Privately owned waters represent an appreciable portion of California’s fishable waters. This includes flowing waters, privately owned lakes, and ponds. California’s private waters provide a great amount of fishing opportunity, produces quality fisheries and are important habitats for native wildlife species. Book with one of our amazing members here:
The Fly Shop
There are several hundred miles of rivers, creeks, lakes and streams within easy striking distance of The Fly Shop® in Redding. To book a guided trip on one of our private waters or regional lakes or streams you can call or send a message at
Reports from The Fly Shop Private Waters:
Confluence Outfitters
We guide the best trout and steelhead destinations in northern California and southern Oregon. The guide team at Confluence Outfitters has the expertise, local knowledge and versatility to make your next fly fishing trip a trip to remember!
The Bonnyview Ramp is open again which gives you a lot more options for places to fish. There is a single lane access around the eroded culvert, so bring your patience.
We've got a round of storms through the weekend and it is snowing here this morning. The storm on Tuesday night really bumped up the tributaries and has the river pretty cloudy for now. We expect this cold storm will have the tributaries clearing and by next week the river could be clearing up quite a bit. The Tuesday forecast looks very nice. Current flies are yellow egg patterns, Bird's Nests, and dark Rubberlegs.
Access To the Lower Sacramento
The Lower Sacramento has many publicly accessible areas with good wading opportunities when the flows are below 7,500 CFS. Stop by the shop and we'd be happy to point you in the right direction.
Fishing Large Rivers Can be Frustrating
There are many great places you can get in and wade this blue ribbon tail water. Having said that, the absolute best method to fish the Sac is from a drift boat. Aside from being able to access all of the water, you can fish the long runs on a dead, perfect drift which is deadly on these legendary wild rainbows. And who would be a better oarsman than one of our Professional Guides? They know every nook and cranny of the river, what insects are and will be hatching, and the setups and methods that will get you onto the fish of a lifetime.
Recommended Equipment & Setups
Most of our fishing, whether from a drift boat, or wading when the releases are low enough, is done dead drifting nymphs. The Fly Shop's Signature Indicator Rod is nine and a half feet of indicator nymph fishing perfection designed by our professional staff right here on the Lower Sac. Teamed up with a 6 or 7 weight Scientific Anglers Amplitude Anadro Floating Fly Line or a Rio Intouch Xtreme Indicator Fly Line it will put a center pin rig to shame.
Hot Flies:
Dry Flies:
• Mercer's Missing Link, Dark
• Spotlight Caddis Emerger - Spotlight Caddis Emerger
• Comparadun - BWO, PMD
Nymphs/Wet Flies:
• Jigged Birds Nest - Natural, Hot Spot #14-16
• Fox's Poopah - #12-14
• Bubbleback Caddis, - Amber #14
• Olive Hot Spot, - #18
• Weiss Nymph, -
• Peaches n' Green, -
• Peaches n' Cream, -
• Ginger Snap, -
• Pat's Rubber Legs - #4-8
• Micro Spawn - Peachy King, Shrimp Pink
• Boles Bazookas - Shrimp Pink, Peachy King
- Courtesy of The Fly Shop
The Fly Shop
While it has dropped somewhat, the flows at the lake are still around 1,600 CFS. Keep your eyes on the forecast, we've got a few more storms on the way. Fishing on the low end may be a little sketchy, if you would like to go we'd suggest looking higher in the system like above Simms. Baum Lake is fishing great and if you are Jonesing for a stream you should check out Hat Creek. We'll stay on top of the flows and update the report when it drops back in.
Upper Sacramento Flows at Delta
Hot Flies:
Dry Flies:
• Sedgeback October Caddis - #10
• Low Water Baetis - #18
• Adams - #12-20
• Mercer's Missing Link - Dark #14-16
• Parachute Adams - #14-18
Nymphs/Wet Flies:
• Mercer's Tungsten October Pupa
• Skip's TB October Caddis
• CB Birds Nest - #10-14
• Red Copper John - #16-18
• Zebra Midge - #18-20
• Mercury Black Beauty
• Mercer's Glass Bead Micro May - #22
• Mercer's GB Dark Stone - #8
• Mercer's Dark Stone - #6
• Pat's Rubber Legs - Brown #6-8
• Jigged Birds Nest - #14-16
• Gordon's Amber Wing Prince - #12-18
• Mercer's CB Micro Mayfly - #16-18
• Walt's Worm
Streamers & Leeches:
• Sheila Sculpin
• Woolly Buggers
• Zack's Stillwater Swimming Leech - #8
- Courtesy of The Fly Shop
The Fly Shop
Pro Staffer John Boitano, from Phil's Propeller reported that bass action has been fair but changing conditions have made things a bit of a challenge. Boitano has been fishing blades up against the shoreline during wind events and has seen plenty of fish but takes have been light. Throwing plastics to suspended fish at 20 to 35 feet has also been working but numbers have also been light. The fish are just starting to move up onto the flats, but it's still a little early for any decent numbers. The trout bit is very good and Boitano has been seeing some solid action on his crankbaits while fishing bass.
- Courtesy of Western Outdoor News
This lake is fishing super well, the Pit arm is actually pretty clear if you head out from Jones Valley. Banner days with the spots and 'bows can be had. A lot of bass have moved pretty deep, but plenty remain in the first ten feet of the water column. The tributary creeks and many other little rivulets will draw a lot of fish. Look for fish to congregate on the inflows, look way up in the coves and don't pass up any chances at fish just milling around willy-nilly, they can be players. Some are reporting shad patterns are working well, otherwise midges or small BWO nymphs fished under indicators can work for trout. Try also stripping in a plain old Pheasant Tail in #14 - 18 with an I Line and you won't be disappointed. For the bass not chowing on the incoming protein streams, they are stacked in the 12- 25' depths eating crayfish. Come check out our float-n-fly options to get set up for big numbers! Bounced down the banks this is too much fun. Winter bass and rainbows on Shasta is a lot of fun!
Hot Flies:
• Wooly Buggers
• Float-n-Flies
• Dead Drop Minnow
• Zack's Stillwater Balanced Leech
- Courtesy of The Fly Shop
The Fly Shop
For informational purposes:
Lake Siskiyou is a reservoir formed by Box Canyon Dam on the Sacramento River, in far northern California, near the town of Azalea, California. It is the site of local recreation, as well as being used for watershed protection and flood control.
- Courtesy of Shasta Cascade
Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association
Bass action is still mixed but should kick in with the warmer weather and start of the spawn. Kokanee action is still slow.
- Courtesy of Western Outdoor News
The releases on the Trinity will be dropping to 2,000 CFS on March 15th. There should be a few fish around, but we are coming to the end of our steelhead season.
Clarity on the river is improving, and the upper river should stay clear. The lower river will dirty up for a while with the rain in the coming weeks.
Trinity River Flows:
Trinity River Releases from Lewiston
Trinity River Flow at Pigeon Point
Access To the Trinity River
The Trinity has many publicly accessible areas with good wading opportunities during the steelhead season. Stop by the shop and we'd be happy to point you in the right direction.
Steelhead Fishing Can be Frustrating
These anadromous rainbow trout are known as the 'Fish of a Thousand Casts.' For good reason! The learning curve can be quite steep learning when and where to go, and what type of water to target. Our Professional Guide Staff has decades of experience guiding the Trinity River for steelhead. A day spent with one of our guides will get you up to speed much more quickly.
Recommended Equipment & Setups
Early Summer Run Steelhead on the Trinity River will take swung flies readily. Spey rods are becoming an increasingly popular method to swing flies. The Fly Shop's Signature Spey Rods are an economical way to get into a great Spey rig.
Hot Flies:
Nymphs/Wet Flies:
• Pat's RubberlegsBrown and Black, #4-8
• Mercer's Psycho Prince - #12-16
• TB Solitude Stone - #8
• Coppertop Duracell - #16
• Mercer's Gold Bead Biot Epoxy Golden Stone - #8-10
• Copper John Red - #10-14
• Clown Egg - #4-10
• Micro Spawn Eggs - Pink & Salmon Egg
• Boles Bazookas - #8
Swing Flies:
• Ho-bo Spey - #6
• Beaded Assassins
• Hoody's Hangers - #4
• Brett's Klamath Skater - #7
- Courtesy of The Fly Shop
The Fly Shop
Bass action has suffered from mixed conditions, but the pre-spawn bite should kick in any time. Kokanee action is still slow.
- Courtesy of Western Outdoor News